The large rock symbolizing Bunjil came from the David Mitchell quarry, hence the relationship between the sculpture and its name. The three standing structures, symbolising crows, are constructed from granite from a quarry near Bendigo. Like the building, they survey the scenery from all angles.

The community of Lilydale and the University are fortunate to have such a prestigious work of art that will be seen around the world. For more information regarding Chris Booth and his sculpture, see

Virtual Tour

Take a Virtual Tour of the Bukker Tillibul site by clicking on the image above.


The Sculpture

The name

of the journal

'Bukker Tillibul'

is a Wurundjeri name

used with permission from

a tribal elder, Joy Murphy.

On 16 October 2002, Adjunct

Professor Joy Murphy officially

named the sculpture outside the

Atrium, ‘Bukker Tillibul’.

Loosely translated, this means

‘bottomless pit’. Joy told a

Wurundjeri tale of a star that

fell from the sky and disappeared

into the space where the David

Mitchell Limited quarry now

stands, never to be

seen again.

The sculpture is the work of internationally renowned sculptor Chris Booth. Chris is from New Zealand and has placed inspirational works around the world. Chris visited the campus a number of times and was inspired by the way the building seems to thrust out towards the landscape, as well as the many crows or

ravens that were present.

Chris always consults with the local indigenous peoples in the place where he is to create a sculpture. In crystallizing the concept for the design, Joy Murphy was delighted to inform Chris that the crow is a Wurundjeri totem, as is Bunjil the eagle.

Immersive Photography and Panoramic Images by Daniel Stainsby